
Synopsis by Clem Jeffreys - INCLUDES SPOILER


A talented, underappreciated, starving artist is forced to sell his furniture to pay his rent. He finds a piece of chalk in his barren apartment and discovers that, whatever he imagines comes to life, drawing with the chalk. He nourishes his hunger, replaces his furniture, and creates a dream environment for himself.

Then he draws the woman of his dreams, and she too appears. They laugh and dance and talk about being together forever. But as they kiss, the woman states, “We can’t do that, I’m devoted to someone else,” and she exiles herself. The artist gives chase, but soon falls into a waiting chamber where his “rebirthing” begins.

A neighbor finds the artist, dead in his apartment. A drawing on the wall reveals the woman of his dreams carrying a baby, the artist.

This is a poignant, wonderfully directed, visual and imaginative work of art that explores the tortured mind of an artist and draws deeper questions about the relationship between creativity and rebirthing.